
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kasod city Niederosterreich Austria 48.08 14.53 1177 11948
Kasod city Maharashtra India 20.39 75.54 2093 25777
Kasoda city Maharashtra India 20.82 75.30 830 18168
Kasodhan city Uttar Pradesh India 25.29 78.37 1000 2545
Kasodi city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.33 18.18 2509 5662
Kasodi city Mwanza Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.10 32.95 4189 16092
Kasodo city Pallisa Uganda 1.15 33.63 3464 18653
Kasodo city Namutumba Uganda 0.88 33.65 3444 38591

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