
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kasoba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.20 21.51 2001 3725
Kasoba city Karaman Turkey 37.42 33.02 3349 2255
Kasobası city Adana Turkey 37.65 34.91 4189 5513
Kasobe city Central Zambia -14.83 28.48 3648 894
Kasobo city Northern Sierra Leone 9.32 -12.63 249 5266
Kasobon city Salamat Chad 10.47 21.31 1669 298
Kasobundar city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.23 107.77 4189 148924
Kasobuntut city Banten Indonesia -6.31 106.18 416 85228

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