
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kasaw city Western Ghana 4.89 -2.03 249 14445
Kasaw Bandeh city Kunar Afghanistan 34.95 70.99 4189 9045
Kasaw-Nzari city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.78 17.12 1197 2533
Kasaw-Tseke city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.72 17.13 1669 2533
Kasawa city Faryab Afghanistan 36.03 64.56 2509 7003
Kasawa city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.13 27.48 2726 2682
Kasawa city Uttar Pradesh India 25.60 82.06 282 61656
Kasawa city Mopti Mali 14.38 -2.97 882 5095
Kasawai city Chhattisgarh India 20.53 82.21 1669 8642
Kasawama city Southern Sierra Leone 7.88 -11.87 157 5017
Kasawara city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 1.31 30.17 5029 6705
Kasawara city Gifu Japan 35.30 137.15 830 107252
Kasawari city Sulawesi Utara Indonesia 1.50 125.24 0 32637
Kasawe city Mbeya Tanzania, United Rep. of -8.75 32.48 3349 6705
Kasawe city Zimbabwe -17.67 30.43 5029 2682
Kasawenda city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -11.09 26.72 4189 24271
Kasawerów city Mazowieckie Poland 51.63 21.12 830 3044
Kasawi city Sud Rwanda -2.64 29.62 5869 49951
Kasawi city Eastern Zambia -13.75 31.60 2509 2235
Kasawo city Mukono Uganda 0.68 32.83 3500 40771
Kasawo city Mubende Uganda 0.40 31.72 4189 17145
Kasawuzi city Namutumba Uganda 1.02 33.65 3533 18289

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