
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kargā city Bamyan Afghanistan 34.66 67.15 10068 1341
Kargāb city Khuzestan Iran 32.87 48.62 2509 5756
Kargābād city Kordestan Iran 35.28 47.20 6709 12801
Kargāh city Bamyan Afghanistan 34.16 67.29 9228 3711
Kargāh city Bamyan Afghanistan 34.66 67.15 10068 1341
Kargāh city Kermanshah Iran 34.21 45.86 2509 3725
Kargāl city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.63 74.93 1085 105758
Kargāl city Goa India 14.96 74.12 216 18390
Kargāmār city Chhattisgarh India 22.70 82.43 1102 149
Kargān city Gilan Iran 37.51 49.24 -1689 7890
Kargān city Kermanshah Iran 34.07 47.22 5075 6259
Kargān-e Qadīm city Azarbayjan-e Sharqi Iran 37.86 46.71 6709 2086
Kargān-e Soflá city Lorestan Iran 34.13 47.78 5390 3129
Kargān-e ‘Olyā city Lorestan Iran 34.13 47.77 5390 3129
Kargānipeta city Andhra Pradesh India 18.19 83.80 72 42251
Kargānu city Himachal Pradesh India 31.49 77.29 7549 15889
Kargānūn city Himachal Pradesh India 30.90 77.22 3349 15731
Kargāon city Uttar Pradesh India 28.19 79.07 830 66018
Kargāon city West Bengal India 24.05 87.75 124 80838
Kargās city Mazandaran Iran 36.70 51.13 -1689 20162

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