
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kakoz city Gjirokaster Albania 40.16 20.15 1669 1813
Kakoz city Berat Albania 40.40 20.35 2509 1799
Kakozai Kulak city Balochistan Pakistan 30.72 66.80 5029 5811
Kakozek city Kazakhstan 45.68 80.10 1889 894
Kakozi city Gjirokaster Albania 40.16 20.15 1669 1813
Kakozi city Berat Albania 40.40 20.35 2509 1799
Kakozi city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.60 27.72 3349 1490
Kakozi city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.28 27.97 3494 298
Kakozya city Northern Zambia -8.87 31.59 5314 2292

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