
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kakai city Rangpur Bangladesh 26.02 88.85 88 108194
Kakai city Madhya Pradesh India 22.10 79.11 2050 15645
Kakai city Chagang Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 40.97 126.59 1020 7599
Kakai city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.62 72.17 4350 27886
Kakai city Manufahi East Timor -9.00 125.73 1115 3974
Kakai-do city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.12 128.76 830 5051
Kakai-jo city Korea, Republic of (South) 35.18 127.63 190 7402
Kakaia city Milne Bay Papua New Guinea -9.91 149.41 4189 1155
Kakaigudem city Andhra Pradesh India 19.58 78.50 1128 24066
Kakaiika city Dytiki Ellada Greece 38.37 21.64 262 1018
Kakaila city Bihar India 25.16 85.43 193 91443
Kakaima city Southern Sierra Leone 7.15 -11.59 173 2871
Kakaimuhan city Chhattisgarh India 21.69 83.42 830 20918
Kakaingbene city Bayelsa Nigeria 4.44 5.99 849 21847
Kakaipur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.34 81.26 380 60859
Kakairgara city Bangladesh 25.06 90.68 36 72874
Kakairtala city Bangladesh 23.30 91.03 36 185889
Kakairtala city Bangladesh 23.26 90.98 22 151944
Kakait city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -9.64 124.86 308 26538
Kakaiyan city Pakistan 34.11 73.86 5295 5490
Kakaiyā city Nepal 27.08 85.17 351 52962
Kakaiyā Pāra city Uttar Pradesh India 27.36 80.82 830 58668

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