
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kakabaga city Ouest Rwanda -2.55 28.94 6233 55838
Kakabai city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -10.04 123.85 830 9380
Kakabanj city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.92 72.11 6709 24345
Kakabantu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -6.55 17.41 2509 2086
Kakabara city Kyegegwa Uganda 0.55 30.94 4576 5955
Kakabauri city Imereti Georgia 42.29 43.11 1722 6302
Kakabe city Karnataka India 12.26 75.64 3349 12069
Kakabeka Falls city Ontario Canada 48.42 -89.62 1010 1973
Kakabeka Falls Airport airport 48.42 -89.60 1000 0
Kakabet'i city K'akheti Georgia 41.70 45.54 2509 3105
Kakabeti city K'akheti Georgia 41.70 45.54 2509 3105
Kakabet’i city K'akheti Georgia 41.70 45.54 2509 3105
Kakabila city Atlantico Sur Nicaragua 12.40 -83.72 0 270
Kakabli city Grand Bassa Liberia 6.03 -9.93 259 591
Kakabo city Ghana 5.35 -1.62 226 7598
Kakabo city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 7.57 -4.77 830 3175
Kakabo city Central Zambia -14.92 27.95 4189 894
Kakabouri city Diffa Niger 13.53 12.10 928 602
Kakabu city Banten Indonesia -6.14 106.05 830 69997

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