
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gbam city Niger Nigeria 9.43 6.76 1082 8344
Gbam city Rivers Nigeria 4.73 7.23 1220 16167
Gbam city Benue Nigeria 7.25 9.49 830 8940
Gbama city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.84 25.20 1942 149
Gbama city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 7.88 -4.58 830 2606
Gbama city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 7.17 -11.18 830 617
Gbama city Gbarpolu Liberia 7.00 -10.79 830 191
Gbama city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.00 -10.86 830 8922
Gbama city Southern Sierra Leone 7.17 -11.40 830 2370
Gbama city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.40 -10.29 1669 7761
Gbama Lumeh city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 7.17 -11.18 830 617
Gbamabalia city Northern Sierra Leone 8.92 -11.51 1181 2996
Gbamai city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 7.02 -11.20 416 986
Gbamaia city Northern Sierra Leone 8.96 -11.46 1227 2304
Gbamaigo city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.78 20.13 1669 1639
Gbamaken city Maryland Liberia 4.81 -7.83 830 690
Gbamaken #2 city Maryland Liberia 4.70 -7.73 830 298
Gbamakro city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 7.88 -4.58 830 2606
Gbamandu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.64 -10.67 1863 3735
Gbamani city Southern Sierra Leone 7.35 -12.09 3 10868
Gbamata city Southern Sierra Leone 7.15 -11.70 183 3140
Gbamati city Southern Sierra Leone 7.60 -12.88 3 2559
Gbamawo city Southern Sierra Leone 8.17 -11.42 830 4740
Gbambaia city Northern Sierra Leone 9.09 -10.94 1912 1645
Gbambalakaha city Savanes Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 9.57 -5.40 1072 9834
Gbambalanyougokaha city Savanes Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 9.61 -5.45 1072 8257
Gbambali city Northern Sierra Leone 8.62 -13.14 68 19532
Gbambeso city Montserrado Liberia 6.64 -10.49 406 298
Gbambiadu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.71 -11.27 1020 8991
Gbambiasso city Savanes Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 9.77 -6.37 1669 2935
Gbamble city Comoe Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 5.22 -3.83 298 59349
Gbambu city Ghana 9.91 -0.26 830 10948
Gbambélédougou city Vallee du Bandama Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 8.08 -4.46 1003 2592
Gbame city Northern Sierra Leone 8.49 -13.10 62 1441
Gbamehn city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 7.02 -11.20 416 986
Gbamgbama city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 7.13 -11.32 291 1262
Gbamgbama city Bomi Liberia 6.75 -10.90 830 2783
Gbamola city Oyo Nigeria 7.57 3.94 898 39957
Gbamongo city Central African Republic 5.05 22.47 1811 151
Gbamou city N'Zerekore Guinea 7.52 -9.28 1200 11845
Gbamou city N'Zerekore Guinea 7.47 -9.06 1056 4768
Gbampa city Nimba Liberia 7.03 -8.90 849 298
Gbampleu city Montagnes Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6.71 -8.39 830 5831
Gbampo city Southern Sierra Leone 7.59 -12.80 3 1438
Gbampo city Southern Sierra Leone 7.58 -12.77 29 514
Gbamuce city Niger Nigeria 9.17 5.76 830 7301
Gbamuna city Taraba Nigeria 7.43 10.36 948 4470
Gbamundu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.82 -10.93 1669 12346
Gbamundu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.64 -10.67 1863 3735
Gbamusa city Southern Sierra Leone 7.98 -12.57 22 1840
Gbamusu city Southern Sierra Leone 8.14 -12.02 275 11394
Gbamusu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.82 -12.58 88 1767
Gbamusu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.98 -12.57 22 1840
Gbamusu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.46 -12.30 88 4664
Gbamusu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.30 -12.21 49 800
Gbamusu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.39 -12.19 91 2123
Gbamusu city Southern Sierra Leone 7.82 -12.28 98 11196
Gbamwin city Nimba Liberia 7.14 -8.68 997 2304
Gbamwuan city Benue Nigeria 7.14 9.39 830 12243
Gbamélé city Comoe Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 5.22 -3.83 298 59349

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