
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gahe city Sagaing Burma 24.09 96.15 885 5215
Gahe city Gitega Burundi -3.59 29.85 5997 37468
Gahe city Karuzi Burundi -3.07 30.19 5183 44314
Gahe city Karuzi Burundi -3.17 29.91 5029 44478
Gahe city Kirundo Burundi -2.68 30.05 5291 42716
Gahe city Nord Rwanda -1.56 29.89 7057 59907
Gahe Caigou city Qinghai China 33.32 96.51 15288 0
Gaheba city Ngozi Burundi -2.96 29.83 5308 64411
Gaheh Bala city Esfahan Iran 33.63 51.50 8389 1367
Gahei city Tahoua Niger 14.56 5.66 1669 16933
Gaheja city Sindh Pakistan 27.80 68.49 180 28437
Gaheja city Sindh Pakistan 27.79 68.53 177 28158
Gaheka city Ngozi Burundi -3.01 29.96 5229 49946
Gaheke city Ouest Rwanda -2.17 29.57 5226 45144
Gahekenya city Muyinga Burundi -3.11 30.34 5029 22255
Gahelgaon city Uttarakhand India 30.00 78.42 4189 7003
Gahemba city Muyinga Burundi -3.11 30.26 5308 27429
Gahembe city Rutana Burundi -4.01 29.88 5977 19753
Gahembe city Gitega Burundi -3.63 29.80 5987 29242
Gahembe city Sud Rwanda -2.53 29.49 6709 33540
Gahembe city Est Rwanda -2.17 30.10 5078 37030
Gahen city Khuzestan Iran 30.74 48.81 49 3725
Gahen city Khuzestan Iran 30.72 48.82 49 3725
Gahen-e Miani city Khuzestan Iran 30.74 48.81 49 3725
Gahen-e Za'er `Abud city Khuzestan Iran 30.72 48.82 49 3725
Gahenerezo city Ouest Rwanda -1.63 29.37 7549 67485
Gahengeli city Sud Rwanda -2.26 29.61 5144 46003
Gahengeli city Nord Rwanda -1.61 30.15 5869 39516
Gahengeli city Sud Rwanda -2.15 29.77 5869 63077
Gahengeli city Ouest Rwanda -2.13 29.47 7631 43960
Gahengeri city Ngozi Burundi -2.94 29.82 5390 75015
Gahengeri city Est Rwanda -1.98 30.31 5869 39722
Gahengeri city Est Rwanda -1.99 30.61 5869 29793
Gaher city Sindh Pakistan 26.47 67.69 78 7450
Gahera city Mwaro Burundi -3.57 29.74 5938 36127
Gahera city Karuzi Burundi -3.20 30.08 5039 32930
Gahera city Cankuzo Burundi -2.99 30.56 5324 6556
Gahera city Uttar Pradesh India 27.13 81.12 830 70788
Gaherdi city Bangladesh 23.77 90.70 13 314684
Gaherendihi city Odisha India 20.94 82.60 1007 4953
Gaherereza city Ouest Rwanda -1.60 29.35 7027 69225
Gahererezo city Ouest Rwanda -1.60 29.35 7027 69225
Gaheri city Uttar Pradesh India 27.34 78.57 830 45631
Gaherpur city Dhaka Bangladesh 23.84 89.82 62 115051
Gaherāpadar city Odisha India 20.66 82.61 1033 0
Gaheto city Nord Rwanda -1.44 29.57 7549 48580
Gahetsi city Mwaro Burundi -3.44 29.62 7004 28939
Gahetu city Uttar Pradesh India 27.53 78.48 830 64926
Gaheung city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.07 127.86 282 11332
Gaheunggol city Jeonnam Korea, Republic of (South) 35.25 127.01 229 14267
Gaheydha city Sool Somalia 9.04 46.83 2047 745

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