
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dunal city Himachal Pradesh India 33.03 76.31 10908 1286
Dunalagak city Daykundi Afghanistan 33.87 66.57 8389 3129
Dunalastair city Perth and Kinross United Kingdom 56.70 -4.10 1056 0
Dunali city Sanliurfa Turkey 36.95 39.05 1204 3129
Dunalka city Durbes Novads Latvia 56.68 21.33 187 775
Dunalkas Muiža city Durbes Novads Latvia 56.68 21.33 187 775
Dunalley city Tasmania Australia -42.89 147.81 0 185
Dunally city New South Wales Australia -35.84 146.18 830 149

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