
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dhūr city Uttarakhand India 29.84 78.57 4189 9338
Dhūra city Punjab India 30.36 75.89 830 67597
Dhūra city Uttarakhand India 29.69 78.87 3398 15155
Dhūra city Uttarakhand India 29.71 78.83 3546 15198
Dhūra city Uttarakhand India 29.86 78.43 4189 7003
Dhūra city Uttarakhand India 29.43 79.39 5869 27
Dhūra city Uttarakhand India 29.30 79.49 5029 14185
Dhūra Dhanai city Uttarakhand India 29.89 78.48 4189 7558
Dhūri city Punjab India 30.37 75.87 830 73708
Dhūri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.34 80.00 1669 93019
Dhūri Nagla city Uttar Pradesh India 28.02 78.88 830 50032
Dhūria city Madhya Pradesh India 21.59 77.59 2618 13630
Dhūria city Madhya Pradesh India 23.82 76.95 1669 21066
Dhūrkot city Punjab Pakistan 29.35 71.11 314 14782
Dhūrkuda city Madhya Pradesh India 26.21 77.62 830 26452
Dhūrrānwāla city Pakistan 32.80 74.32 925 39478
Dhūrsa city Chhattisgarh India 20.85 82.00 987 26514
Dhūrāla city Haryana India 30.03 76.81 830 57727
Dhūrāli city Haryana India 30.05 76.81 830 53752
Dhūrān city Dhamar Yemen 14.74 44.21 8697 14751
Dhūrī Marāī city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.41 74.69 7549 21158
Dhūrīhār city Uttar Pradesh India 27.38 79.40 830 59041

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