
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Daler city Syddanmark Denmark 54.97 8.74 19 2594
Daler city Buskerud Norway 59.87 9.87 295 3684
Dalera city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.75 74.14 4189 35859
Daleral city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.75 74.14 4189 35859
Dalerend city Drenthe Netherlands 52.68 6.65 36 2424
Dalerganj city Uttar Pradesh India 25.67 81.45 285 83036
Daleri city Himachal Pradesh India 30.70 77.29 4189 15766
Daleri city Punjab India 31.36 74.59 830 58651
Daleri city Pakistan 33.62 73.96 2509 18159
Daleri Minor city Sindh Pakistan 25.25 69.24 29 30098
Dalerle city Nip Haiti 18.48 -73.32 49 0
Dalero city Slemani Iraq 35.75 45.86 5029 5810
Dalerpeel city Drenthe Netherlands 52.68 6.66 36 3951
Dalerveen city Drenthe Netherlands 52.69 6.81 39 14097
Dalery city Limpopo South Africa -22.64 29.48 2509 141

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