
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dārgala city Arbil Iraq 36.57 44.75 2545 2674
Dārganaigund city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.02 75.08 6286 58863
Dārgaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.83 81.20 1089 15645
Dārghāti city Bihar India 24.81 87.06 269 72228
Dārgi city Himachal Pradesh India 31.22 77.05 2870 13705
Dārgol city Kermanshah Iran 34.38 46.54 5416 5963
Dārgol-e Seyyed Ḩasan city Kermanshah Iran 34.38 46.54 5416 5963
Dārgulla city Andhra Pradesh India 17.67 78.39 2089 65045
Dārgulī city Nangarhar Afghanistan 34.43 70.63 1719 29052
Dārgān city Yazd Iran 32.36 53.64 4517 0
Dārgān city Esfahan Iran 32.44 51.56 5328 53668

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