
Alphabetical listing of Places in Pemba North

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gando city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.98 39.70 3 26412
Gasi city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.12 39.78 3 24275
Geninje city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.98 39.78 3 48095
Gombani city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.12 39.80 3 20699
Gombani city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.15 39.73 3 16339
Gombeni city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.08 39.78 3 56503
Gongo city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.00 39.73 3 51790
Gongo city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.02 39.72 3 63511
Gongoni city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.95 39.75 3 37156
Gongoni city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.17 39.80 3 31397
Gwishanimoyo city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.02 39.82 3 39893

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