
Alphabetical listing of Places in Province of Kalinga-Apayao

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ragong city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.39 121.15 1804 4668
Rancheria city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.90 121.05 1148 1703
Rancheria city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.91 121.07 1640 1681
Rancholaya city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.48 121.47 436 10034
Ripang city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.80 121.33 656 5013
Ripang city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.80 121.33 393 4983
Rizal city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.52 121.63 187 13315
Rubatub city Province of Kalinga-Apayao Philippines 17.57 121.18 5085 2944

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