Directory of Cities and Towns in Rezekne, Latvia


Alphabetical listing of Places in Rezekne

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Michalava city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.42 498 5729
Mikhalovo city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.42 498 5729
Niperava city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.45 475 1449
Niperavas Pusmuiza city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.45 475 1449
Polumyza Niperovo city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.45 475 1449
Rezhitsa city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.32 498 41903
Rositten city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.32 498 41903
Ryezhitsa city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.32 498 41903
RÄ“zekne city Rezekne Latvia 56.50 27.32 498 41903

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