
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mālu Lālpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.92 81.53 344 76213
Mālu ki Dhāni city Haryana India 28.34 77.28 830 283488
Mālud city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.35 74.81 10908 18469
Mālugere city Karnataka India 13.10 75.90 3349 36009
Mālujhāl city Uttarakhand India 29.90 79.70 4189 18050
Māluka city Haryana India 27.96 77.19 830 84071
Mālukhera city Rajasthan India 23.82 73.68 830 39118
Mālumbra city Maharashtra India 18.14 76.44 2063 25334
Mālumjhola city Madhya Pradesh India 22.31 81.01 2509 11509
Mālungi city Gujarat India 20.15 73.24 236 22379
Mālur city Karnataka India 13.11 75.35 830 24497

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