
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Loy city Maharashtra India 21.42 74.13 830 30237
Loyabad city West Bengal India 23.67 86.67 830 48935
Loyabhar city Uttar Pradesh India 27.52 78.85 830 57546
Loyabhar Khurd city Uttar Pradesh India 26.66 82.85 249 100041
Loyal city Rajasthan India 28.05 75.65 1194 34816
Loyapalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.04 78.83 1669 19031
Loyapalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.31 79.63 961 30711
Loyogondo city Andhra Pradesh India 18.25 82.72 4353 15006
Loyus city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.62 74.95 6263 44748
Loyābhāl Kalān city Uttar Pradesh India 26.66 82.85 249 100041

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