
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Jagwa city Bihar India 26.76 84.29 216 96178
Jagwa Khurd city Uttar Pradesh India 28.82 78.37 830 32336
Jagwa Nagla city Uttar Pradesh India 28.81 78.36 830 32123
Jagwai city Uttar Pradesh India 27.02 81.82 383 86632
Jagwal city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.96 74.79 1131 16321
Jagwas city Rajasthan India 27.87 76.31 1020 74593
Jagwasai city Uttar Pradesh India 28.10 79.34 830 40336
Jagwasai city Uttar Pradesh India 28.01 79.31 830 45435
Jagwatan city Himachal Pradesh India 31.58 77.24 9228 15156
Jagwatpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.87 78.76 830 59859
Jagwā Sondhā city Uttar Pradesh India 25.34 82.20 288 170123

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