
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gure city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.37 74.48 5108 18536
Gured city Punjab India 32.42 75.76 1817 21614
Gureda city Chhattisgarh India 21.00 81.26 954 33243
Guregaon city Uttar Pradesh India 26.22 82.21 298 85262
Gureh city Uttar Pradesh India 25.47 80.39 410 81719
Gureha city Madhya Pradesh India 23.99 80.69 1161 26522
Gurehr city Himachal Pradesh India 31.83 76.28 1669 42739
Gurehr city Himachal Pradesh India 31.79 76.31 1669 40460
Gurehr city Himachal Pradesh India 31.77 76.33 1669 41871
Gurehun city Uttar Pradesh India 25.43 83.33 216 98422
Gurekra city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.13 75.68 5403 12328
Gurela city Chhattisgarh India 21.05 81.18 980 28860
Gurela city Uttar Pradesh India 27.81 81.03 830 48860
Gurela city Uttar Pradesh India 26.95 81.32 360 34661
Gurela city Uttar Pradesh India 27.25 81.06 830 67033
Gurela city Uttar Pradesh India 27.94 80.23 830 51472
Gurela Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.90 81.42 344 63872
Gureli city Chhattisgarh India 21.68 83.19 830 30991
Gureli city Rajasthan India 25.16 74.88 1236 14191
Gurenadih city Chhattisgarh India 20.02 82.25 1669 10250
Gurer city Uttar Pradesh India 28.71 78.72 830 108069
Gurera city Haryana India 28.92 75.51 830 16451
Gurera city Uttar Pradesh India 25.44 83.21 206 97039
Gurera city Uttar Pradesh India 27.51 80.96 830 65135
Gurera city Bihar India 25.23 85.89 124 93542
Gureradih city Chhattisgarh India 22.03 82.85 830 44353
Gurerā city Madhya Pradesh India 22.11 80.05 1108 14334
Guresira city Odisha India 21.33 83.57 830 77138
Guret city Uttar Pradesh India 24.72 82.82 971 22718
Guret city Himachal Pradesh India 31.78 76.16 2509 28114
Gureta city Madhya Pradesh India 24.24 77.74 1669 15812
Guretha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.46 78.34 830 46408
Guretha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.84 78.67 830 96252
Guretha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.22 78.73 830 57247
Guretha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.86 83.23 209 84742
Guretha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.85 83.22 209 88721
Guretha Sultānpur city Uttar Pradesh India 27.84 78.43 830 90982
Gurethi city Uttar Pradesh India 27.08 81.78 387 73573
Gurez city Bihar India 25.45 84.48 200 99756

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