
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gorpa city Chhattisgarh India 21.48 81.23 987 10871
Gorpa city Bihar India 25.31 84.56 219 112595
Gorpahāri city Rajasthan India 27.38 76.83 830 53414
Gorpara city Bihar India 25.64 86.86 131 101515
Gorpara city Bihar India 25.70 86.95 137 86907
Gorphula city Odisha India 20.82 82.56 1118 17683
Gorpung city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.57 76.21 10908 149
Gorpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.03 74.79 5147 310412
Gorpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.00 74.88 5236 190844
Gorpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.78 81.47 344 70066
Gorpura city Uttar Pradesh India 25.48 79.24 830 17135
Gorpurwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.66 81.36 354 84571
Gorpāl city Chhattisgarh India 20.61 81.26 1128 23016

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