
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dugna city Uttar Pradesh India 27.23 78.47 830 53981
Dugna city Uttar Pradesh India 28.69 79.43 830 40608
Dugnapalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.18 79.28 1000 31901
Dugnara city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.63 75.52 2509 26528
Dugnepalli city Andhra Pradesh India 19.23 79.40 830 13721
Dugni city Punjab India 30.43 75.84 830 34553
Dugni city Madhya Pradesh India 22.34 75.50 830 25633
Dugnipalli city Andhra Pradesh India 19.07 79.56 830 45423
Dugnāi city Uttar Pradesh India 25.16 80.40 830 30857

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