Directory of Cities and Towns in None, Germany


Alphabetical listing of Places in None

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aignerhof city Germany 48.58 13.43 1115 53512
Belgweiler city Germany 49.94 7.49 1200 7599
Bornen city Germany 51.05 7.29 830 30849
Forstern city Germany 48.18 11.98 1738 8343
Frankenberg city Germany 50.06 11.21 1174 7367
Hochholz city Germany 48.90 11.03 1669 2940
Lanbuhr city Germany 52.27 7.12 124 5421
Lautrach city Germany 47.90 10.12 2083 5336
Neckarau city Germany 49.18 9.20 830 170877
Oh-Moor city Germany 53.65 9.97 45 134356
Reine city Germany 52.05 9.17 830 7061
Schöneruh city Germany 54.82 13.67 0 0
Stahlberg city Germany 50.05 13.02 2089 2378
Weissenstein city Germany 49.63 12.38 2083 2831
Weser-Elbe Kanal city Germany 52.30 8.93 147 50961
Лаутрах city Germany 47.90 10.12 2083 5336
Լաութրախ city Germany 47.90 10.12 2083 5336
劳特拉赫 city Germany 47.90 10.12 2083 5336

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