
Alphabetical listing of Places in Ethiopia

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ze'ala city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 6.13 37.00 4465 8195
Zeba city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 6.12 37.17 5341 14481
Zeba Bota city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 6.17 36.67 9228 7159
Zebch' city Amara Ethiopia 10.30 38.18 7821 20269
Zebch’ city Amara Ethiopia 10.30 38.18 7821 20269
Zebekula city Amara Ethiopia 11.63 39.32 8389 15272
Zebena city Amara Ethiopia 13.17 37.87 9438 28115
Zebib city Amara Ethiopia 12.92 38.23 9228 10020
Zebich city Amara Ethiopia 10.35 38.17 8389 22931
Zebit city Amara Ethiopia 11.82 38.58 9606 15347
Zebt city Amara Ethiopia 10.35 38.17 8389 22931
Zebul city Amara Ethiopia 12.20 39.77 5879 9767
Zefine city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 6.53 37.67 6158 14155
Zegamati city Tigray Ethiopia 13.87 37.52 3349 3129
Zege city Amara Ethiopia 11.68 37.32 5869 12291
Zege Bota city Amara Ethiopia 11.70 37.33 6023 10522
Zegesē city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 6.10 37.48 6112 16114
Zeghie city Amara Ethiopia 11.70 37.33 6023 10522
Zeghie city Amara Ethiopia 11.68 37.32 5869 12291
Zegi city Amara Ethiopia 11.68 37.32 5869 12291
Zegyē city Amara Ethiopia 11.68 37.43 6069 7805
Zeha city Amara Ethiopia 11.95 39.13 7801 10547
Zehārano city Tigray Ethiopia 13.89 39.75 9228 13708
Zehāraro city Tigray Ethiopia 13.89 39.75 9228 13708
Zeila city Amara Ethiopia 10.07 39.06 6709 21979
Zejewa city Amara Ethiopia 12.80 39.00 6181 5662
Zek'ayk'eri city Amara Ethiopia 11.78 39.03 10908 14717
Zek'ort' city Amara Ethiopia 10.48 38.40 6709 12665
Zekharano city Tigray Ethiopia 13.89 39.75 9228 13708
Zekua city Tigray Ethiopia 13.44 39.18 6932 7448
Zekwa city Tigray Ethiopia 13.44 39.18 6932 7448
Zek’ayk’erī city Amara Ethiopia 11.78 39.03 10908 14717
Zek’ort’ city Amara Ethiopia 10.48 38.40 6709 12665
Zela city Binshangul Gumuz Ethiopia 11.48 35.50 2509 298
Zela Ambesa city Tigray Ethiopia 14.52 39.38 7549 6790
Zela Anbesa city Tigray Ethiopia 14.52 39.38 7549 6790
Zelalmoo city Tigray Ethiopia 14.12 39.60 8389 15496
Zelambessa, Zalambessa city Tigray Ethiopia 14.52 39.38 7549 6790
Zelane city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 6.62 37.75 5029 16990
Zeles city Amara Ethiopia 9.93 39.46 8802 16829
Zemere city Amara Ethiopia 10.58 39.81 7549 27903
Zemewed city Amara Ethiopia 10.55 38.58 5869 13150
Zemie city Amara Ethiopia 9.92 37.72 5879 12814
Zemē city Amara Ethiopia 9.92 37.72 5879 12814
Zena Bener city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 8.30 38.08 7814 17975
Zenalk'a city Amara Ethiopia 12.57 38.77 7549 4970
Zenalk'a city Amara Ethiopia 12.50 38.82 6768 7132
Zenalk'a 1 city Amara Ethiopia 12.50 38.82 6768 7132
Zenalk'a 2 city Amara Ethiopia 12.57 38.77 7549 4970
Zenalk’a city Amara Ethiopia 12.57 38.77 7549 4970
Zenalk’a city Amara Ethiopia 12.50 38.82 6768 7132
Zenalk’a (1) city Amara Ethiopia 12.50 38.82 6768 7132
Zenalk’a (2) city Amara Ethiopia 12.57 38.77 7549 4970
Zenalk’a 1 city Amara Ethiopia 12.50 38.82 6768 7132
Zenalk’a 2 city Amara Ethiopia 12.57 38.77 7549 4970
Zenbaba Wuha city Oromiya Ethiopia 5.55 39.40 5088 0
Zenbar city Amara Ethiopia 9.45 39.56 8389 11622
Zenbo city Amara Ethiopia 10.17 39.88 5039 27127
Zencame city Tigray Ethiopia 13.48 38.98 5219 14782
Zendegur city Amara Ethiopia 9.78 39.53 8428 10164
Zengaja city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 7.38 36.08 5869 10300
Zengay city Amara Ethiopia 12.37 37.50 5944 21614
Zengedar and Tabor city Amara Ethiopia 9.80 39.52 7549 10263
Zengo city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.32 39.21 9284 12072
Zengīta city Amara Ethiopia 11.32 39.72 6282 34116
Zera Biruk city Amara Ethiopia 11.23 37.48 7549 37293
Zeram city Amara Ethiopia 10.17 39.66 10068 15587
Zeramēl city Amara Ethiopia 10.12 39.63 10068 16944
Zerara city Amara Ethiopia 12.20 36.28 5869 745
Zeret city Amara Ethiopia 10.14 39.27 6912 12013
Zerfent city Tigray Ethiopia 13.63 39.29 6709 12516
Zerk'ami city Amara Ethiopia 10.45 39.15 7690 12493
Zerk’amī city Amara Ethiopia 10.45 39.15 7690 12493
Zero city Amara Ethiopia 11.17 39.35 8389 20639
Zevant city Amara Ethiopia 11.27 37.30 7690 22180
Zeweldī Belen city Amara Ethiopia 12.67 38.93 7093 5662
Zeyita city Amara Ethiopia 10.07 39.06 6709 21979
Ze’āla city YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch na Hizboch Ethiopia 6.13 37.00 4465 8195

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