
Alphabetical listing of Places in Amara

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ayalfush city Amara Ethiopia 9.82 39.85 7549 16444
Aybga 1 city Amara Ethiopia 12.17 37.02 5997 8358
Ayda and Urago city Amara Ethiopia 9.64 39.13 8556 15778
Ayer city Amara Ethiopia 11.13 39.13 10068 13435
Ayer 1 city Amara Ethiopia 11.25 39.08 9294 11622
Ayer 3 city Amara Ethiopia 11.13 39.13 10068 13435
Aygebir city Amara Ethiopia 9.60 39.91 4189 4842
Ayib Be'ink'ib city Amara Ethiopia 11.85 38.20 9228 25181
Ayikel city Amara Ethiopia 12.55 37.07 7040 27061
Ayit Gora city Amara Ethiopia 10.81 39.24 10990 19980
Ayk'olba city Amara Ethiopia 10.43 38.42 7549 12665
Ayoha city Amara Ethiopia 12.30 37.40 5869 18569
Ayt'ala city Amara Ethiopia 12.08 39.25 11125 16073

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