
Alphabetical listing of Places in Carlow

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tailor's Cross Roads city Carlow Ireland 52.71 -6.81 331 2032
Tailor’s Cross Roads city Carlow Ireland 52.71 -6.81 331 2032
Tankardstown Cross Roads city Carlow Ireland 52.82 -6.69 347 3103
The Butts city Carlow Ireland 52.77 -7.08 830 1378
The Grove city Carlow Ireland 52.76 -6.78 295 3003
The Harrow city Carlow Ireland 52.75 -6.94 216 4219
Tiknock city Carlow Ireland 52.89 -6.64 830 2199
Tinnacarrig city Carlow Ireland 52.56 -6.89 242 1842
Tinnahinch city Carlow Ireland 52.54 -6.95 91 2462
Tomara city Carlow Ireland 52.78 -7.02 830 1878
Tomard city Carlow Ireland 52.77 -6.97 131 3963
Tombeagh city Carlow Ireland 52.87 -6.62 403 1971
Tomduff city Carlow Ireland 52.62 -6.85 393 1431
Tomnasock city Carlow Ireland 52.73 -7.04 830 1562
Tuckamine city Carlow Ireland 52.85 -6.74 318 4084
Tullow city Carlow Ireland 52.80 -6.74 285 4165
Tullowphelim city Carlow Ireland 52.81 -6.74 282 4169

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